December 11, 2007

Build a Bear

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , at 10:03 pm by chasingtoddlermom

SavvyToddlerMom and I had a toddler-boys outing this morning.  It was so much fun!  And being the coupon-shopper that I am, I found this great $5 off coupon!  That made the trip even more worth it.  Little Ro’ made a monkey that is SO adorable.  His favorite parts of the experience were stepping on the peddle of the stuffing machine to make it fill the monkey and the bath station.  After stuffing their bear, your child can give the bear an air “bath.”  I think Little Ro would have bathed his monkey all day.  He also loved the bins of little hearts and enjoyed choosing his monkey’s heart.  Aside from that, he wasn’t interested in much else there.  The clothes are adorable, but he was disinterested, so I picked up a pair of shoes for him to put on his monkey and a skateboard – because what little boy doesn’t love anything on wheels?  We topped the day off with Wendy’s, and now he’s fast asleep – hopefully for a long, long time!

December 7, 2007

Maternity Clothes Drama

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , at 6:16 am by chasingtoddlermom

It is becoming increasingly evident that I will need to give in and start wearing maternity clothes within the next 2-3 weeks. My clothes still fit, but that doesn’t mean I should wear them. A mantra I wish more people (pregnant and not) would adopt. My first pregnancy was mainly during warm weather, so I’d be set if it was summer. Unfortunately it’s 35 degrees outside. Fortunately this time around fashion trends are on my side. I think I’ll be able to get away with non-maternity tops for much of the winter–with the exception of some layering pieces.

Pants and skirts. These are my latest drama. My DH has made it abundantly clear that he is tired of sitting next to my laptop looking over my shoulder at various online retailers while I pour over the selections of bottoms. I need to vent my gripes! First of all: There are practically NO decent maternity stores in Utah. Isn’t this the land of perpetually reproducing families?? I picked up one cute pair of Mavi jeans at Mimi after trying on at least 12 pairs. Second: There is so much contradicting information about size ordering. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and order multiple pairs and plan on mailing back whatever doesn’t work. But let’s face it, that’s a complete hassle. I know I love my Paige and Citizen jeans, but I just can’t get the sizing straight. According to Paige’s website, I should order my pre-pregnancy size. But according to EVERY other site out there (and Saks‘ live chat), I should go up 2 sizes. Two sizes?! I would have to cut the tag out to spare my self esteem! Third: What is with all of the totally tacky maternity fabrics? I am having a completely impossible time finding any skirts that don’t make me cringe.

The last time I was pregnant I found this darling maternity boutique where I bought 90% of my clothes. They had great brands and all of my skirts looked like I picked them up at Anthropologie. Unfortunately the store was in a bad location and the owner said she had priced herself out of the market and had to close her doors (not before giving me a 50% discount on my last visit!).

What is a fashion-conscious pregnant girl to do? Any suggestions?

December 5, 2007

Snow Day

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:27 am by chasingtoddlermom

We had an unexpected snow day on Saturday!  We woke up to a a few inches of the white stuff and it stormed pretty hard all day.  It was beautiful!  Fortunately I had just picked up Little Ro’s snowsuit, hat, gloves, etc. on Thursday.  He wasn’t sure he liked it at first, but he warmed up to it fast and stayed out for 2 hours (and came in the house kicking and screaming).  Here are some pics.