October 18, 2014

We have the best messes

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:17 am by chasingtoddlermom

At least this is what a coworker told me this week! Mason is a huge sensory seeker, and he’s just plain old busy, so between those two traits, we have the best messes. Here are a few of our latest.

Here he is after finding a tray of Halloween face paint:


He is obsessed with cooking (and cracking and sometimes licking eggs-Yuck!!). Today he made a concoction of my spices while I was distracted:


And here is what it looks like when your little brother streaks into the bathroom and throws a handful of poop into your bath. Poor chase got nailed!!


Lastly, this was a great little mess. We made homemade applesauce on Sunday, and everyone loved it! Austen wanted to mix his with “real” applesauce (Mott’s). The smell of cooking apples is the epitome of fall to me. I was in heaven, even cleaning it all up!
