September 29, 2007

Family Photos

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:32 pm by chasingtoddlermom

Our family took a trip to a nearby canyon last weekend to take some family photos with MakeLessNoise, a talented hobby photographer and family friend.

You can view a few here:

We chose some adorable candid shots of Little Ro’. They’re framed in an arrangement in our family room and they look darling! He is pulling a different facial expression in every picture. They’re so reflective of his personality right now. He’s completely incapable of being still (even when sleeping) and he has a great BIG personality for such a little guy. We also chose a cute family photo as well, so it was a big success. Even if we were quite literally ChasingToddlerMom and ChasingToddlerDad up and down the canyon the whole time! He also had a ball throwing rocks in the creek and riding in his big red wagon. I’d like to take him back for a good walk in the canyon soon, when I’m not wearing 4-inch heels.

On the subject of 4-inch heels, I have to give Little Ro’ credit in his ability to walk in these 3-inch heels. I don’t know what it is about these red shoes, but he loves to walk all around the house in them. Now that’s talent!
Red Shoes 2

Introducing…ChasingToddlerMom! Finally!

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:04 pm by chasingtoddlermom

As I finished cleaning up the food and wrappings from my Little Ro’s 2nd b-day party this afternoon, I’m astonished at how fast time has flown! I keep going online to start my blog and record my thoughts and experiences but somehow get sidetracked every time by my wild toddler, work, or just life. I have a few moments of peace this afternoon while the Bug is sleeping and ChasingToddlerDad (aka CTD) is out; so I’m biting the bullet! I feel like I have been in the throws of parenting a toddler for the past year, but today feels like a really big day. He turns 2 on Oct 2nd, but in celebrating it today, I feel like this is a huge milestone and I don’t want to let another moment go by without writing about it! But no worries, this blog won’t be entirely about my Little Ro’ but an update on our family and yet another forum for me to voice my many opinions on a variety of things (believe me, I’m opinionated, and if you’re here you probably know that already)!

The name ChasingToddlerMom (CTM) is compliments of good family friends MakeLessNoise and SavvyToddlerMom. It is a perfect description of my life with my wild and crazy little guy, and my balancing act of being a work-from-home-stay-at-home-mom. Whew! Why can’t we have it all, right?

I feel like I have so much to cover as I’ve been such a slacker for the past two years! But I’ll just do my best!