July 25, 2008

One of Those Days

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:54 am by chasingtoddlermom

UUUGH.  That pretty much sums up my day today.  I’m really posting just to vent.  Sometimes it’s just therapeutic to see my rants in black and white.

This has just been one of those days!  It started off with weighing myself.  I don’t get what is going on with my body!  My weight is just stuck.  Then, my baby woke up ornery and stayed that way all day.  I am trying to view it as a good reminder of how lucky I am that it’s not his permanent state of being (as it was for my colicky Little Ro’).  I spent the morning averting and diffusing various tantrums and aggressive outbursts.  Then I finally got out the door to Target (only 3 hours behind schedule).  I have a cart FULL of groceries and two kids when it hits me.  I don’t have a wallet!!!  UGH.  My dad ran to my rescue.  Bless his heart, he had a cake in the oven and he ran down to swipe his credit card and hurry back to his cake.

Then, when my DH came home from work (early–YEA!) I handed him a crying baby and took off out the door to the gym.  Aah–what a stress reliever that would be.  Joke’s on me.  The gym closed early for the state holiday today.  UUUGH.  I came home, got ready, and headed to my in-laws’ bbq.  All went well until my Little Ro’ decided to beat his little cousin over the head with an outdoor light.  Poor little girl has a huge bruise and dent in her forehead.  What is that kid thinking?!?!?!?!  I’m really stumped about what to do with him.

It probably doesn’t really sound that bad, but I’m exhausted–emotionally and physically.  Basically all day I was feeling fat and overwhelmed by my children and my own forgetfulness.  I think it’s time to go to bed and forget this day!  TGIF tomorrow!

July 2, 2008

“Agoon” Day

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:23 pm by chasingtoddlermom

Today we went to Lagoon, an amusement park about 15 minutes from our home.  Little Ro’ has been going with my parents since last summer.  They give him a season pass for Christmas and it’s their special outing.  I decided to purchase a pass this summer and tag along.  I’m so glad I did!  All morning he kept telling me he was “all ready go Agoon!”  I was pleasantly surprised at the number of toddler-appropriate rides and equally surprised at Little Ro’s independence to go on so many all by himself.

If I can use one word to describe my Little Ro’ it’s enthusiastic.  He does everything with enthusiasm-from his tantrums to his happy moments.  Watching him today was watching a little boy experience pure joy!  Here are some pics from our trip.  I’m looking forward to a lot more days at “Agoon” this summer.

Splashing in the fountain

\"Roundie roundie\" on the ferris wheel

flying the red plane